Kelly Arendt • Certified ISR Instructor • 517.944.4400

Kelly Arendt • Certified ISR Instructor •

ISR Lessons

One-On-One Lessons

All ISR lessons are one-on-one, student and Instructor. This allows the Instructor to focus solely on the individual needs of the student as all children are unique in their personalities and their cognitive learning abilities. ISR lessons are student directed lessons, tailored to the changing needs of the individual child throughout every moment of each lesson.

Lessons are about ten minutes per day. ISR lessons are kept short to avoid temperature fatigue. ISR students work hard to achieve their float and the swim-float-swim sequence and although they are given rests throughout the maximum ten-minute lesson, their muscles can fatigue quickly while learning these new skills.

5 Days per Week
Monday – Friday

Consistency and repetition are the foundation to successful and engaged students. Lessons are only ten minutes a day, but the consistency and repetition of five days a week is what builds the skills they need to survive an aquatic environment. The average student will take approximately six weeks to complete the ISR course. All children learn at different speeds, but consistency is a major factor in determining the number of weeks a student’s lessons will last.


After becoming skilled in ISR Self-Rescue®, most families opt to continue lessons so their child can maintain and practice their skills. This allows your child to practice their skills more frequently to prevent developing bad swim habits.  These lessons are necessary because as children grow their center of gravity changes and skills need to be polished. 

Maintenance Lessons are designed to fine-tune your child’s skills or to prevent problems from developing in your child’s technique. A few months after completion of ISR lessons, your child may develop unwanted habits. It is important to know that this does not mean that your child has “forgotten” the skills learned during ISR lessons. Some habits formed from normal exploration in the water may begin to affect your child’s ability to swim and float.

ISR recommends 1-2 times per month.

The cost is $20 per lesson. 

Refresher Lessons

ISR recommends bringing your child back for Refresher Lessons every 6 months – 1 year if they are not participating in Maintenance Lessons. 

Refresher Lessons are designed to help your child adjust to their growing body and to reinforce their confidence in the water. It is important to remember that your child does not “forget” the skills acquired with ISR. However, most children are not regularly in the water in the winter and during this extended period your child’s center of gravity changes and skills need to be polished.

ISR recommendation is to allow for 1-2 full week sessions.   

The cost is $100 per week.  

Parent Involvement

Parents are instrumental in their child’s development. Infant Swimming Resource classes are no different. Children respond to their parents’ emotions and ISR knows what an important tool this can be when teaching a child to swim. We encourage parents to always stay upbeat and positive during the lessons as well as in discussions about swim classes at home. We also encourage parents to be active in their child’s swimming development by teaching ways to interact with their child in the water safely and in accordance with their development in their ISR lessons.